Could a Dual Zone Air Conditioner Be Perfect For Your Home?

People often hear the term dual zone air conditioner and they get scared thinking it will cost a lot of money, but in the long run, it’ll probably be a good thing for your home, your electric bill, and your sanity! A dual zone air conditioner could be the perfect addition to your home!
Dual Zone Air Conditioner
Comfort is a huge factor when it comes to getting a dual zoned air conditioning system installed in your home. Having a dual zone system put into your home will stop the constant fight over the thermostat. There is more than one thermostat, so different temperatures can be controlled throughout the home. Every home has that person who loves a cold room, and every home has that person who is bundled up under 10 blankets! Having a dual zoned system makes it so that everyone can be happy in their own space!

Yes, you’ll need to install more than one air conditioner, and the duct work in the home will be a bit more complex, but if you have a large home, or a home with more than one level, isn’t that a good thing anyway? Comfort isn’t the only advantage to having a dual zoned system. What’s the point of cooling areas of the house that aren’t being used? Or not cooling areas that need additional cooling? Either way, cooling areas that need it the most (or not cooling them) will save you money in the long run.

At LaPensee Plumbing, Pools and Air, our air conditioning experts provide free estimates and are happy to answer all of your air conditioning questions. We want you to be comfortable in your home, and have an air conditioning system that provides you with just that … comfort! Give us a call at (941) 778-5622 or schedule an appointment with us online.